IR grnd Blu.jpg (15929 bytes)




Now avalible... the template needed do it yourselve in ANY color for $3.00!!      
No need to replace any parts. Just remove instument pannel shrouds and covers then slip in the two new pieces.       ...  

For those who have purchased this mod or others who would like to see the detailed install instuctions click or download the target of this link --> Color Instrument Change Mod instuctions

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!Current Price....\\$3.00 (e-mailed to you)             Click on the image to purchase (though PayPal)the Blueprints to use as a template to creat you own colored sheet to change the color of your instument panel. Be sure to include you e-mail address Due to the work I've put in, do not distibute this file.

Free PayPal account

Paypal is a highly recommended, highly secure, insures transactions up to a \\$100,000 ! ... and FREE take about 2 mins to set & can start using it immediately.

Special Offer!!    If you do create your own new Paypal account and use me as a referenc ( you will only have to pay \\$2.00 for either item! Do not click on the image icons above, instead e-mail me and after I get a confermation of your referal I will send you a link to get the above iteams for $2.00 each.


I assume no responsibility for any and all damages during or after the installation process to properties or person(s) accrued and or acquired related or not related to this modification. This modification should be very simple for the average mechanically incline person, if you are not one of these types of people, I suggest you not do this modification and stay away from any power tools, DO NOT run with scissors, walk your bicycle across streets, blah, blah, blah.

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